Important Update

Exciting news! This blog is being relocated. You can now find it on my combined blogs website at A Certain Day. All new posts will appear there, along with all of the posts up until today.

If you are mostly interested in the type of posts that this blog featured, you will find a section on the new site about half-way down the page (look for the lantern graphic) that has only posts from this blog (including new ones). The section heading is Grow in Faith, and there are 12 posts that will load randomly each time the page is refreshed/reloaded, with navigation “dots” underneath. Clicking on any post will open it so that you can read the in-depth article. Once there, you can also click on “Clothe Yourselves” under the title at the top to go to a page with all of those posts.

Please bookmark the new site when you get there for your future convenience, and if you would like to, you can even subscribe to email notifications when new posts are published. Thanks!