But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. Ephesians 5:13 Just think – if God hadn’t designed the moon so that it would light up when the sun shone on it, then we wouldn’t see it at all, would we? That’s how it is with believers. He shines […]
Month: September 2017
Mirror, Mirror
I’ve been thinking about how unnecessary, and often even harmful, mirrors can be. They encourage us to focus on the outward appearance rather than the inner condition. They enable us to make comparisons with others, feeling prideful if we think our appearance is more desirable than others. (Why? Did any of us choose our looks or […]
Good News and “Bad” News
Good news and “bad” news: The good is that Jesus loves even you, even me, despite ourselves–even though He knows every single thing about us, even our very thoughts. Wow! The “bad” news is that He doesn’t love our sin. He came to FREE us FROM it, not only the consequences for it, but also […]
What Kind of Faith? (or “Let No One Deceive You”)
Question: Does your faith reassure you that even though you slip many times and “get dirty” the “pristine white robe” that was provided to you by Jesus when you believed on Him for salvation, He will forgive you and wash you clean again every time you ask Him (1John 1:7-10, Rev. 22:14); or does it […]
Who’s Your Daddy?
A word of encouragement to be ready when Jesus returns: Please don’t buy it if the devil tries to sell you the lie that children of God can enjoy their sins just as much as the rest of the world. Our old nature loves to hear it, because its just plain easier to go along […]
Not Under the Law (or “The Emperor’s New Clothes”)
This article was updated August, 2018. For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” But if you bite and devour one another, […]
Light and Salt (or Stand Up for the REAL Jesus, the TRUE Light of the World)
Please don’t think that to be a “nice” person or “good” Christian that you have to accept the ways of the world when they go against the moral values taught in the Bible. Really – God made some people in the wrong gender of body, or He made a mistake when He made genders at […]
How to Live in Your Last Days
I personally believe for many reasons that we are in the last days before the return of Jesus, but it doesn’t really matter if I’m right or not. None of us knows when our own last moment on this earth will be, and so we should be living as though that could be at any […]
A Regular Person
Listen, my beloved brothers, has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he has promised to those who love him? But you have dishonored the poor man. Are not the rich the ones who oppress you, and the ones who drag […]